CENTRAL POINT, OR ‒ In late September, Viviana Mendoza joined Dogs for Better Lives’ (DBL) Regional Advisory Board (RAB) – California. The Regional Advisory Board – California is DBL’s third chapter to launch across the country. The Regional Advisory Board – Pacific Northwest first launched in 2019 and the Regional Advisory Board – Northeast started up this past January.

Viviana Mendoza
With the addition of Viviana, the Regional Advisory Board – CA now has three members, including Hana Kim (San Ramon, CA) and Brooke Sutter (Santa Monica, CA), as chair and vice chair respectively.
“We’re excited to see the Regional Advisory Board – California continue to grow, and are pleased to have Viviana joining,” stated CEO Bryan Williams. “With her social media and marketing background and passion for community engagement, we know Viviana’s collaborative contributions will shortly begin to elevate DBL, while truly benefiting our amazing dogs and clients.”
As DBL continues to grow and expand on its mission to better the lives of those with disabilities by pairing them with life-changing Assistance Dogs, the Regional Advisory Boards are augmenting this focus by playing a key role in raising awareness and advocating for community support and education.
“Being the newest Regional Advisory Board, launching this past August, we’re pleased to welcome Viviana as our newest member, stated RAB-CA Chair,” Hana Kim. “Building off of the momentum and achievement already generated by the PNW and NE chapters, RAB-CA will be instrumental in helping to take DBL’s advocacy and community outreach to the next level.”
The Regional Advisory Boards are comprised of like-minded individuals in their 20s, 30s, and 40s that have a passion for dogs and giving back to people with disabilities in their communities. Members are engaged in helping to market the mission of DBL, participating in outreach events, as well as planning and fundraising through a variety of initiatives. One of the primary focuses for the Regional Advisory Boards is the promotion of volunteer opportunities at DBL, particularly the puppy raiser and fostering programs, among others.
“I’m thrilled to see the Regional Advisory Board – California continued to grow and advance, with the addition of Viviana,” stated Regional Advisory Board mentor and national board member Michelle Farabaugh. “This is a great opportunity to further diversify Dogs for Better Lives’ advisor base while continuing to advocate for service dogs and enhancing the lives of our clients. The Regional Advisory Board members bring fresh ideas and help Dogs for Better Lives maximize our impact.”

Viviana and her dog Hobo.
With the support and guidance of Regional Advisory Boards in the Pacific Northwest, Northeast, and now in California, DBL will host signature events nationally around National Service Dog Month (September) and participate in other events, engaging volunteers and community partners. Eventually, DBL ‘s long term vision is to establish Regional Advisory Boards across the country, working to support each of the national nonprofit’s planned five regions.
Headquartered in Central Point, OR, and also operating as DBL’s West Coast Campus, DBL launched its Northeast Campus in April, located in Falmouth, MA. Currently DBL has three regional satellite offices, located in Washington, California, and New Hampshire.
Viviana Mendoza
Viviana Mendoza is a social media manager that helps user-focused companies reach, attract, and retain customers through creative solutions. She has worked for small marketing agencies that serve companies like HelloFresh and Amplitude. As well as working as in-house marketing and social media for Men’s Wearhouse, Jos. A Banks & Moore’s Fashion. Currently she leads the social media team at Every Man Jack, a men’s grooming company while also managing her own boutique digital marketing collective for independent music artists.
She has a background in psychology and is a registered behavior tech who worked with children with autism to help them develop skills that would help them become independent and succeed in school. She enjoys working with children and learning to develop programs that are entertaining and beneficial for them.
Viviana has two rescue dogs, Hobo and Jesse James, who love to go on hikes through national parks and long road trips. She is also passionate about music, enjoys attending concerts and music festivals and also has been a concert photographer for close to 3 years. She likes good coffee, good food & talking about music and the occasional spin or pilates class.
“I decided to join the Regional Advisory Board – CA because I am passionate about dogs and know how beneficial having a dog in your life can be,” stated Viviana Mendoza. “I am also passionate about helping those with disabilities and creating opportunities to improve their lives, while collaborating with people who share similar interests as me.”
In addition to further growing the California chapter, DBL is continuing to look for new members to join the Pacific Northwest chapter, as well as its Northeast chapter. To learn more about the Regional Advisory Boards and to submit your application for consideration, please visit: https://dogsforbetterlives.org/regional-advisory-board/.