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Warren, the Hearing Dog, Goes to School (Feb 2017)

By February 10, 2017August 13th, 2019No Comments

Dogs for the Deaf Ambassadors Bert and Claydene Lederer often visited elementary school assemblies and classrooms with Bert’s Hearing Dog Warren to help the children learn about deafness and what Warren does to help Bert. Their program included Claydene reading the book she wrote WARREN, The True Story of How a Herding Dog Became a Hearing Dog, while Bert projected each page on a large screen so the children could read along. (The book is available in the DFD Store.)

The reading was always followed by question and answer time. One question that usually came up is, “Why are you deaf?” Bert would explain how the measles damaged the hair cells in his cochlea when he was a child and emphasize the importance of vaccinations.

There often were humorous events. During one assembly, a second grader asked, “How old is Warren?” Bert replied, “Eleven.” A spunky little guy immediately blurted out, “How old are you?” Bert answered among the laughter, “I’m 80 and Claydene is 75!” The laughter continued along with loud applause and cheers. That made the day for the Ambassadors!

To learn more about Dogs for the Deaf’s Ambassador Program, visit our link here.

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