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Puppy love Campaign Social Media Toolkit

THANK YOU for being a Puppy Raiser for Dogs for Better Lives! In the month of February, we host a campaign called Puppy Love Month. This campaign is focused on promoting Puppy Raising and acknowledging the amazing work you all do to prepare future Service Dogs for their professional training.

Puppy Raisers can promote Puppy Raising in a unique and relatable way, and we’d love for you to consider helping to spread the word about Puppy Raising in February!

In this toolkit, we’re providing you resources that will make it super easy for you to help connect more people to Dogs for Better Lives and to raise awareness of our Puppy Love campaign. 

Campaign Activities

  • Sharing more about what’s involved, celebrating our current Raisers, and showing how Puppy Raisers impact our clients’ lives – making independence possible.

  • DBL to post approximately 2 posts per week focused on Puppy Love Month on social media.

How YOU Can Help:

Below is an outline of dates (timing and content subject to change) when we will be posting to Dogs for Better Lives social media accounts. When you see a post, tap to share the post. We recommend that you add your own message to personalize the post, because this will better break through the algorithms. 

Ways to personalize your outreach:

When you share your post, including a photo or video of the puppy you’re currently raising (or most recently raised) is a great way to get your post seen by more people. You can also include memorable stories or what it means to you to be a Puppy Raiser along with your post.

Posts should clearly link to https://dogsforbetterlives.org/puppy-raiser/

  • I’m a proud Puppy Raiser with Dogs for Better Lives! As we continue to grow as an organization, so does the need for Puppy Raisers. Please consider volunteering. I’m happy to answer any questions about what is involved! 
  • I’m raising [PUPPY] for their future career as a Service Dog. Volunteering as a Puppy Raiser through Dogs for Better Lives is really rewarding. I’m happy to answer any questions about what is involved!
  • This organization is so near and dear to my heart as a volunteer Puppy Raiser. One of the most interesting (and fun) ways to get involved is to become a puppy raiser! You’ll get to help a puppy on its journey towards becoming a service dog!


If you make your own post, be sure to include the following hashtags so we can follow along.  

  • #dogsforbetterlives
  • #dbl
  • #puppylove
  • #changelives 

DBL Social Media Post Dates:

Special thank you to Laura Allen, Jessica Anderson, Jenna Sherman and Elli Forgione for their willingness to be featured during the month of February. We will post their stories throughout the month on the dates below:

  • 2/1: Puppy Love Month kicks off today! Watch for an intro post thanking Puppy Raisers and giving a brief overview of the volunteer opportunity.
  • 2/3: Puppy Raiser spotlight #1
  • 2/6: Puppy journey #1
  • 2/10: Puppy Raiser spotlight #2
  • 2/13:Puppy journey #2
  • 2/17: Puppy Raiser spotlight #3
  • 2/20: Puppy journey #3
  • 2/24: Puppy Raiser spotlight #4
  • 2/27: Puppy journey #4



Other Ways to Promote Puppy Love Month:

  • Start a Facebook Fundraiser benefitting DBL 
  • Reach out to your favorite local media outlet to feature you and the puppy you are raising. TV stations and newspapers love sharing heartwarming stories. Contact marketing@dogsforbetterlives.org for help if you’d like to pursue this option!

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