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Donate Now, Pay Later

Make An Immediate Impact. We receive your full donation now so your gift can start making an impact right away.

When you make a donation with Donate Now, Pay Later, we receive your donation upfront, but you can pay over time when it’s convenient for you. With a tax-deductible donation to Dogs for Better Lives, you’ll be helping people and dogs live their best lives. Try it today!

How it works:

  1. Choose an amount. Choose an amount by selecting a suggested amount or entering the amount of your choice.
  2. Choose your plan. Choose the monthly installment plan that works best for you.
  3. Pay over time. Select a payment method to complete your gift. Gifts can be automatically paid to keep things easy.

What Your Gift Helps Us Do

Train Professional Service Dogs

For someone in need, being paired with a Service Dog can be life changing. Our specially trained Hearing Dogs, Autism Assistance Dogs and Facility Dogs make a huge difference in the lives of people with disabilities.

Support our Lifetime Commitment

Clients receive continued coaching, support and advice throughout the life of the team. Our client services team supports Active Teams through retirement, keeping the dog’s wellbeing (physical, emotional, and mental) at the root of all decisions.

Help a Person in Need, at No Cost

Thanks to our incredible donors, we are able to provide specially trained Assistance Dogs to those in need for no cost. People with hearing loss, autism, anxiety or grief, all find their lives are dramatically enhanced by their Service Dogs.

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