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Puppies and Foster Parents Progress Alike at Eight Weeks (Jan 2017)

By January 13, 2017August 13th, 2019No Comments

Happy New Year, It’s so exciting for me, as the foster puppy trainer, to see not just these 8 week old pups progress through the program but their foster ‘parents’ as well. To watch these novices learn basic obedience, the process of correct socialization and blossom into a working team is truly wonderful!. This can’t happen without the dedication and love of a foster puppy raiser. I hope to double the number of teams in training next year and improve the training and socialization programs. The more I’m able to fine tune the foster puppy training program, the more lives can be changed.

Belle, a beautiful 9-week-old black lab puppy is our newest member, she was graciously given to us by Guide Dogs for the Blind in San Rafael, California. After a long drive, Belle arrived at Dogs for the Deaf on November 30th and was placed in her new foster home with Vanessa. Together, Vanessa and Belle have started off on their new journey and have attended their first training class! While Belle was fascinated by all the Christmas trees and lights, their first class was a success, she is on target and learning daily.   Vanessa is a junior in high school and chose our foster program as part of her core curriculum.   We will be following their journey over the next year on this blog.

Paula Lysinger, Obedience Trainer

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